Malezija - Pherintian Islands 02/2006
[Predhodna stran] [Naslednja stran] [Nazaj na podvodne galerije]
Varicose wart slug
Varicose wart slug
Crown-of-thorns starfish
Crown-of-thorns starfish
Yellowtail baraccuda
Yellowtail baraccuda
Koralni vrt
Koralni vrt
Western clown-anemonefish
Western clown-anemonefish
Western clown-anemonefish
Western clown-anemonefish
Bar-tail goatfish
Bar-tail goatfish
Indian tube worm
Indian tube worm
Silver batfish
Silver batfish
Solid table coral
Solid table coral
Black-veined parrotfish
Black-veined parrotfish
Yellow-head parrotfish
Yellow-head parrotfish
School of parrotfish
School of parrotfish
Starry pufferfish
Starry pufferfish
Wart slug
Wart slug

Teluk Pauh zaliv
Teluk Pauh zaliv
Teluk Pauh zaliv
Teluk Pauh zaliv
Teluk Pauh zaliv
Teluk Pauh zaliv