Egipt - Deep South 11/2005
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Giant moray
Giant moray
Green-eyed dancing shrimp
Green-eyed dancing shrimp
Longnose parrotfish
Longnose parrotfish
Longnose parrotfish
Longnose parrotfish
Masked pufferfish
Masked pufferfish
Orangespine unicornfish
Orangespine unicornfish
Redsea bannerfish
Redsea bannerfish
Giant moray
Giant moray
Masked butterflyfish
Masked butterflyfish
Jevel fairy basslet
Jevel fairy basslet
Giant moray
Giant moray
Redsea bannerfish
Redsea bannerfish
Polyp butterflyfish
Polyp butterflyfish
Peacock grouper
Peacock grouper
Green-eyed dancing shrimp
Green-eyed dancing shrimp
Rusty parrotfish in cocoon
Rusty parrotfish in cocoon
Rusty parrotfish and cleaning shrimp
Rusty parrotfish and cleaning shrimp
Forster's hawkfish
Forster's hawkfish
Fuzzy filefish
Fuzzy filefish
Masked pufferfish
Masked pufferfish
Coral garden
Coral garden
Coral garden
Coral garden
Coral garden
Coral garden
Lemon damsel
Lemon damsel